It happens to the best of us.
You go out to camp, get in your stand, and have a big ol’
buck lined up. You spot it through your scope and BOOM!
You miss. And that big trophy goes scampering into the
It happens to the best of us and our buddies our buddies can
usually relate and tell their stories of this monster that they missed too. But
before you go out into the woods, it’s always good to get some practice in at
the range or with targets.
ESP has plugs specifically designed for target shooting ear
plugs. From the ESP Elite Classic to the ESP Dynamic – Digital shooters, ESP
has five ear plugs specifically designed for target and gun range shooting. All
five offer superior protection, with the Stealth and Dynamic being two of the
best in ear hearing protection devices in the planet. Remember, we offer
customizable ear pieces too, because no ear is made the same.
And, oh yeah, don’t forget to sight-in your rifle. Check out
our friends at TJ Target, which offers the best printable sighting in targets
in the nation – just like how our hearing protection ear plugs are the best